Nature Iraq Exhibit in the UK
Welcome and introduction
Sara Mountain (Korsh Ararat)
Reeds and Lake (Mudhafar Salim)
Mountains Winter snowfall is normal (Korsh Ararat)
Steppe Wide open spaces (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Vegetation Zones
Desert Iraq’s most widespread landscape type (Mudhafar Salim)
Marshes Biodiverse and picturesque (Mudhafar Salim)
White-eared Bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis A common and familiar bird and a candidate for the national bird of Iraq (Omar Fadil)
Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Often encountered in spring and summer in the northern hills (Omar Fadil)
Sacred Ibis Theskiornis aethiopicus Iraq has the only breeding colony in the Middle East (Mudhafar Salim)
Golden Jackal Canis aureus A common mammal often hunted and captured for zoos (Omar Fadil)
Wild Boar Sus scrofa Widespread, and frequently damages crops and gardens (Mudhafar Salim)
Goitered Gazelle Gazella subgutturosa A vulnerable mammal that is rare through hunting (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Iraq’s Special Birds (photos by Korsh Ararat, Omar Fadil, Maxim Koshkin, Richard Porter and Mudhafar Salim)
Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx aegyptius A widespread resident of the desert (Omar Fadil)
Slender-billed Gulls Croicocephalus genei A breeding species which also winters in numbers over 10,000 (Korsh Ararat)
Little Bittern Ixybrychus minutus A breeding summer visitor in many reedbeds (Omar Fadil)
Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius cursor An uncommon resident in deserts and steppe (Omar Fadil)
Wind Flower Anemone biflora A familiar spring flower in north Iraq (Saman Abdul Rahman Ahmad)
Orchid Cephalanthera kurdica Iraq’s endemic orchid is in bloom from April to June (Saman Abdul Rahman Ahmad)
People and Way of Life
Boat traffic (Omar Fadil)
Making mud bricks (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: People and Traditional Way of Life (photos by Omar Fadil and Mudhafar Salim)
Building a Mudhief (Mudhafar Salim)
Walking the buffalos (Omar Fadil)
Marbled Ducks en Masse (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Conservation (photos by Korsh Ararat, Omar Fadil, Mudhafar Salim)
The next generation (Richard Porter)
An Houbara hunt (Omar Fadil)
Against the mirror (Mudhafar Salim)
Camel and sunset (Mudhafar Salim)
Mountains, sky and water (Korsh Ararat)
Sara Mountain (Korsh Ararat)
Reeds and Lake (Mudhafar Salim)
Mountains Winter snowfall is normal (Korsh Ararat)
Steppe Wide open spaces (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Vegetation Zones
Desert Iraq’s most widespread landscape type (Mudhafar Salim)
Marshes Biodiverse and picturesque (Mudhafar Salim)
White-eared Bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis A common and familiar bird and a candidate for the national bird of Iraq (Omar Fadil)
Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Often encountered in spring and summer in the northern hills (Omar Fadil)
Sacred Ibis Theskiornis aethiopicus Iraq has the only breeding colony in the Middle East (Mudhafar Salim)
Golden Jackal Canis aureus A common mammal often hunted and captured for zoos (Omar Fadil)
Wild Boar Sus scrofa Widespread, and frequently damages crops and gardens (Mudhafar Salim)
Goitered Gazelle Gazella subgutturosa A vulnerable mammal that is rare through hunting (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Iraq’s Special Birds (photos by Korsh Ararat, Omar Fadil, Maxim Koshkin, Richard Porter and Mudhafar Salim)
Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx aegyptius A widespread resident of the desert (Omar Fadil)
Slender-billed Gulls Croicocephalus genei A breeding species which also winters in numbers over 10,000 (Korsh Ararat)
Little Bittern Ixybrychus minutus A breeding summer visitor in many reedbeds (Omar Fadil)
Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius cursor An uncommon resident in deserts and steppe (Omar Fadil)
Wind Flower Anemone biflora A familiar spring flower in north Iraq (Saman Abdul Rahman Ahmad)
Orchid Cephalanthera kurdica Iraq’s endemic orchid is in bloom from April to June (Saman Abdul Rahman Ahmad)
People and Way of Life
Boat traffic (Omar Fadil)
Making mud bricks (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: People and Traditional Way of Life (photos by Omar Fadil and Mudhafar Salim)
Building a Mudhief (Mudhafar Salim)
Walking the buffalos (Omar Fadil)
Marbled Ducks en Masse (Mudhafar Salim)
Poster: Conservation (photos by Korsh Ararat, Omar Fadil, Mudhafar Salim)
The next generation (Richard Porter)
An Houbara hunt (Omar Fadil)
Against the mirror (Mudhafar Salim)
Camel and sunset (Mudhafar Salim)
Mountains, sky and water (Korsh Ararat)