Nature Iraq is pleased to declare that it has become a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
Nature Iraq joins IUCN to promote the IUCN Mission: to control, promote, and assist communities around the world to protect the integrity and diversity of nature, as well as to ensure that all use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable; and to the IUCN Vision: “a just world that values and conserves nature" and to the implementation of the IUCN Programme. Nature Iraq is committed to protecting, preserving, and restoring the environment, and it continues to carry the torch of wildlife conservation and be remain a part of Iraq's environmental solutions for generations to come. For the betterment of people's livelihoods, nature protection, and fostering peace through ecological restoration, we are eager to expand our relationships both inside and outside of Iraq, particularly with our neighbouring nations.